Wednesday, July 25, 2012


When someone, especially someone busy, says to you "My door is always open for you" they mean it. This is a genuine and sincere gift. It means that, despite how hectic their schedule may be, they have committed to you that they will always make time for you, that you are important in their life, and that when you need them, they will be there for you.

Busy people don't make these kinds of promises to just anyone, they make them for a reason. They make them because they care.

You can pass through that portal multiple times over days, months, and years and at wildly varying intervals.

Here's the thing: The single most important time you will ever pass through that door is what they perceive to be the last. It matters a great deal to them which direction you're traveling, so choose carefully which direction you're going, and remember, whichever it is you'll need to take your baggage with you.

If you're going in one direction it means the door will remain forever open. If you're going the other it almost certainly means it will close. Either way, you'll need to be packed for the trip.

1 comment:

  1. The depth of intellect and intuitive thought is always a welcomed read.
