There's no question that cigar blogs and podcasts have been an invaluable tool for consumers when it comes to discovering information about cigar brands and blends, especially for smaller and beginning brands. They're a rich resource just waiting to be tapped. Some are large, well-funded, and highly followed and read. Others are small and often go unnoticed.
The one thing they have in common is that they began from a love of cigars. They begin from the heart, from a dream, from a passion. Just as Emilio Cigars and the House of Emilio grew out of my love and passion for cigars, the industry, and the people within it.
So today I'm going to keep it simple. Thanks folks for all the love and support you've shown us. What follows is by no means a definitive list, and if I've omitted someone, or a link, just let me know and I'll add them in. It's just my way of showing a little love and support in return.
I've tried to include as many links as possible to the various platforms on which you can read and follow them, since I'm well aware people prefer to get their information from different resources.
Give them a follow. Disclaimer: I've been at this 12 hours, and I'll add the rest later.
2 Gentlemen Review: Website Twitter
A Cigar Smoker's Journal: Website Twitter
Beard Cigar Beer: Twitter YouTube
Ben's Cigars: Website
Blind Man's Puff: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Blowin' Smoke Podcast: Website Twitter Facebook
Bourbon & Broadleaf: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Casas Fumando: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Cigar Basics 101: Website Facebook Google+
Cigar Coop: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Cigar Craig: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ Instagram YouTube
Cigar Crook: Website Twitter
Cigar Dojo: Website Twitter Facebook
Cigar Fan: Website
Cigar Fellas: Website Twitter Facebook YouTube
Cigar Memoir: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Cigar Nubs: Website Twitter Facebook
Cigar Obsession: Website Twitter Facebook YouTube
Cigar Review TV: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Cigars & Scripture: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Cigar Tipsters: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Cigar Vita: Website Twitter
Cigar Vixen: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Covering Your Ash: Website Twitter Facebook
Dan Gumm: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Dr. Joe Show: Website Twitter YouTube
Fine Cigar AZ: Website Twitter Facebook
Halfwheel: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Honest Cigar Reviews: Website Twitter Facebook
Keeping Your Man Card: Website Twitter Facebook
Kyle's Cigar Reviews: Twitter Facebook YouTube
Nice Tight Ash: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Robusto Cigar Babe: Website Twitter
Seth's Humidor: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
Stick Review: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Sticks 2 Ash: Website Twitter Google+
Stogie 411: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Stogie Addict: Website Twitter Facebook
Stogie Geeks: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Stogie Guys: Website Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube
Stogie Net: Website
Stogie Review: Website Facebook
Stogies on the Rocks: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
The Average Joe's Cigar: Website Twitter Facebook Google+
The Cigar Collection: Website
The Smoking Greek: Website Twitter Facebook
Tiki Bar Online: Website
Tiny Tim Cigar Blog: Website Twitter
Toasted Foot: Website Twitter Facebook
Tobacco Events: Website Twitter
Please add my Italian Cigar blog too... ;)