Thursday, November 17, 2011

Making things fun and informative

Unless you've been in a coma the last decade, or are utterly devoid of observational skills, you may have noticed that technology is becoming ever more important in the daily lives of consumers.

The days are long past folks when laying the latest issue of a cigar magazine on the counter fulfills the expectations of the consumer. Not that print media doesn't have a place, but you should offer your consumers information via every medium that is convenient for them, and there are other great options out there. Of course, if you're the kind of owner or manager who has failed to change and adapt at all in the last few years you need read no further. You'll undoubtedly spend some time after reading this convincing yourself  "it won't work here", and no amount of coaching is going to help you steer off the pathway to eventual extinction you're currently on.

Here's one simple technique you can use that, over time, will help you sell more cigars, educate your consumers, and make shopping in your place of business a fun and potentially even rewarding experience.

Today, cigar smokers are thirsty for knowledge, and with the advent of smart phones and the plethora of applications for them your consumers are becoming more capable of finding the information that interests them with or without you. Think about how often someone pulls out their phone these days, tilts it toward you, and then says "Do you have this?"  Why not become a portal for information? An informed consumer is far more likely to buy that extra cigar or two.

We all know that cigar reviews posted online are widely used by consumers when making buying decisions, so provide access to that information in a convenient way.  The example below is how we do it in our retail locations.

This simple sticker, printed on inexpensive Avery mailing labels and created with their free software does a number of things. There's the basic information about the brand, tobacco source, strength and flavor, which helps the consumer decide if it's worth a try. More importantly, there's a link to a review of the cigar by a respected blogger. This helps give your customer confidence in the product by directing them to an independent and impartial third party to read about the product in greater depth. No need for long-winded shelf talkers or obtrusive signage. Simple and straightforward.

The QR code is easily generated by using free online tools. You simply paste the URL of the review into the generator, save the generated image, and paste it into the label maker software.

If you're really ambitious you can take the whole idea even further, adding colorful borders and other decoration to spice things up.

You can even give your customers an incentive to begin using the codes in your shop. Remember "easter eggs" on DVD's and in video games? You can use the same idea for retail and hide little "prizes" in the humidor. QR codes can also be used to make text appear on the cell phone. Wouldn't it be interesting if one of your customers scanned a code in your humidor and text appeared on their phone that says "You're a Winner!  Take this to the counter right away!". Believe me, when someone wins a prize the word will circulate that scanning the QRs in the humidor might pay off.

Make it interesting and fun and your customers will become more loyal to you . Distinguish yourself in the marketplace. Make it easy for your customers to have confidence in trying that new stick, and they're more likely to buy it. If it's fun enough they may try even more.

Or, you could just continue to do things the same old boring way like everyone else, in which case the answer to the question "What am I doing that sets me apart from the competition?" is - nothing. In which case feel free to stand behind the counter and complain about how bad business is. Just remember, it's possible nobody will come in to listen.


  1. Very progressive and the old adage holds true. Your best customer is an informed one.

  2. Great idea, Gary. I loves it. Will be stealing immediately.

  3. Hmm... time to hunt for some Easter Eggs...
