Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cigar Network Magazine - A Consumer Take on Ratings

Some time ago I stumbled across the website for The Cigar Network, and found myself intrigued by their rather unique approach to rating cigars. You see, they don't use rating panels, they just ask for input from consumers. I found this a refreshing change, not as a substitute for the more traditional publications, but as a nice addition to the industry, a way of letting average cigar smokers have some input in a very direct way into which cigars they were enjoying.

Last spring they published their first print edition, and shortly thereafter seemed to have disappeared from view, so I must say I was somewhat surprised yesterday to see that the website, at least, had been resurrected. I was even more surprised and pleased at what I found inside this issue.

Two of our cigars received wonderful ratings, and for a small company like ours with essentially no advertising budget this was a blessing. Below are the images from our two cigars that were included.

I would encourage consumers to join this site, and if there's a boutique cigar  brand that you're enjoying but that isn't widely seen in the marketplace why not give them a hand by adding your honest and objective views to their database?

Take ownership of the process, let your views be known, and at the same time add to that rising tide of enthusiasm for true boutique cigar manufacturers that just may help this industry survive, but thrive in the face of ever more regulation and restriction.

Want your rights? Fight for them in every little way you can, including this one.

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